Our Purpose…

We coach people to build careers they love so great things can happen.

Our Approach…

You matter.

The world needs you.

It's hard to know how.

Let’s figure it out together.

Start from here…

Introducing Your Coaches…

I’m not someone who knew from an early age what I wanted to do. Unlike others who had a clear direction – and the identity that goes with it – the world seemed both full of possibilities and none at the same time. What I did know, however, was that I am drawn to people working on complex challenges. This has meant I have had a squiggly career – lots of different roles in diverse settings, interspersed with times of formal learning.

In recent years, I have focused on the complex challenge many people face to design and build meaningful careers, especially those just starting out. I support others to gain clarity on what’s important for them. I see potential in people and get joy from working with them to help them flourish.   

It all starts with a conversation :)

Graham Dover

Susanne Driedger

The first steps onto my university campus were exciting. I was eager to learn new things, find new opportunities, meet new people and search for a career where I could make an impact. While I went to school to prepare for work, I left not knowing what was next!

I’ve had the opportunity to try different jobs. Some great fits, others not so great. I have moved from letting my career happen to me to realizing I have one life to live and want to use it in a way that fits how I’m wired.  

I have spent most of the last decade with 20 somethings – having hundreds of conversations around career and calling. I am inspired by meaning and purpose, helping people discover their best and realize their possibilities.  You matter. Your life and uniqueness are needed by the world.